Come along with me, let's go on an adventure.


The first step can be really hard, below you will find a few trailheads that you can't go wrong with.

What direction will you explore first?

What is the Kaleidoscope View?

This place is special, maybe a bit different than other practices. I’d love to tell you all about it, just click the button below.  


At the Kaleidoscope View, we are always exploring and expanding.  Start here to read about what offerings are available this season and beyond!

Meet the team!

We are a small humble group, a few humans and a few furry four legged friends.  Click the button below to learn more about your team, and the community we are a part of. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from my first therapy session?

Before your first session even starts, you will recieve intake paperwork.  Along with that you will recieve a "What to Expect" document that will outline all the steps for setting yourself up, and arriving at your first session.  


You can expect that I will ask you questions to begin to learn about your presenting concerns, and your hopes for the therpeutic process.  We will also talk through the intake paperwork to answer any questoins about the therapy process you might have. 


How long does therapy typically last?

The duration of therapy varies depending on individual needs, but most clients attend weekly sessions for a month or two to gain momentum, and build trust and meaningful goals with me.  If for whatever reason you are not able to meet weekly, that does not mean we can't start together! I want to be flexible with how therapy fits into your life so it adds energy and goodness, instead of just being another thing to check off your to do list.  


Now of course you won't be in therapy forever, so throughout our journey together we will continue to be curious and ask the question, "how will you know when therapy is over?".  This conversation will be ongoing, and help us keep track of your personal goals and progress in therapy. 

Do you offer virtual therapy sessions?

Yes, we offer both in-person and virtual therapy sessions to accommodate our clients' needs and preferences.  You will recieve a "What to Expect" form in your intake paperwork that outlines details of how a virtual session will go, suggestions for preparting for a virtual session, and more.  

How much does therapy cost?

Out of pocket costs:

  • Initial Relational Intake, 75 minutes (Partnerships, family, or relational group) - $180

  • Follow up Relational Session, 55 minutes- $165 75 minutes- $180 90 minutes- $205

  • Individual Session, 55 minutes - $150

  • 75 minutes- $165

  • 90 minutes- $180

  • Nature Based Session, 90 minutes- $200


In addition to out of pocket based services, I do offer several insurance based slots. If you would like to see if you could use your insurance to cover the cost of sessions, please reach out on the contact page to learn more. 

Contact us

Reach out to us for a free 15 minute consultation and learn more if we would be a good fit to work together!


The Kaleidoscope View, Relational Therapy and Wellness is currently offering only virtual session, and nature based sessions in Arvada Colorado and surrounding areas.
Arvada, Colorado, United States